Sunday, 15 March 2009

The Crit Session

On Friday's media lesson, we had the crit session where everyone in the Media class watched each other's films and assessed it. Everyone said what they liked and disliked and suggested improvements.

The mark scheme: minimal, basic, proficient and excellent.

Mine and Emily's film was proficient but it can be improved further and possibly become excellent.

These are the improvements my teacher and the class suggested:
* Changing the title of the opening sequence and the typography of the credits - "He's Coming After You" is very obvious about what the film is going to be about, even just by watching the opening title sequence. Therefore, we need to think of an interesting title which is unusual and is likely to stand out.
* The Music - We need to tamper with the sound; maybe it could be quieter in some parts.
* Scene 10 - We don't necessarily need the conversation so we are considering editing this bit out.

We will be making these changes to our opening sequence as soon as possible and we plan to start next week.

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